Tuesday 8 May 2007

Killing animals for sport or clothing

This is one subject that I have strong feelings about. I am a strong lover of Tigers. I understand that at one point in our history, people thought it was necessary to kill these beautiful animals. But you would think, in today's society, we would have learnt from those mistakes. These days we can make print fur that looks remarkable like the proper fur. But still, there is a high demand for Tiger fur, Lion fur, and other such endangered animals.

Some people could argue, 'Well, we kill cows, sheep and pigs. What's the difference?'. I'll tell you the difference. The difference is, we only kill these animals for food, clothing and other by products. Most people kill Lions and Tigers, etc, for the sake of skin or sport. The rest of the Tiger and Lion, etc, get wasted.

If I had the money and the time, I would buy as much land as I could and have all the Tigers and Lions there.

Next time you see a Lion/Tiger throw, or any kind of animal fur, just remember that animal has probably been chased down for miles, stabbed and shot to death, and had its skin stripped off it and left for nothing. Probably a father/mother to cubs, and now those cubs are being sold off as pets. And then when they're older and the owner can't control it, they'll have it killed and it will be another piece of possession.

No one can say, that looking at this photo, they don't feel emotional.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Under Age Pregnancy

I think people who get pregnant are stupid. Yeah, okay they can't help being stupid. They only have sex because they think everyone else in their school/year group is doing it. It's goddamn stupid. Kids get this idea into their head, that they have to fit in. And most parents that have kids young, are stupid or uneducated. Okay, you have some that have a baby cause they love each other and for the right reasons. But then, sometimes, they end up resenting the child cause it stopped them from doing things that they wanted to do, stops them from having the career they wanted. People should wait till they've been to college and been to Uni or left college and gotten a good job. It's insulting more to the child to have it young, and make it go through life without things they need and thinking down of their parents.

Wednesday 25 April 2007

Men who hit women, and women who hit men

I think these days, it's becoming a major problem with men and women hitting each other, when they're in relationships. I think men hit women because they fill they should be the dominant one in the relationship, and these days, women are becoming more independant and doing what they want to do. And they're not staying home and looking after the family like they used to. Jobs of house are now shared, well should be, between the husband and wife, between partners. I think women hit men, because they want to the dominant one in the relationship and not be pushed around.

But then their children see it and believe that that's what they're supposed to be like when they're in a relationship, when they're older. So then we get another generation of hitters. It's just an endless circle of violence.

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Road Rage

I think road rage is really bad. My fiance is terrible and so can my dad at times. If someone cuts him up, comes too close to his car, takes the wrong lane and scoots across in front of him, or they toot him... God help everyone. He either toots the horn as loud as he can or he moans and shouts about it till we get home. No matter how many times I try to explain to him that he has to watch himself, cause you can get done for road rage, he won't have it. I think road rage is bad, cause it can cause more trouble and accidents than anything on the road.

Yeah, I understand people get annoyed if someone cuts them up or are being stupid drivers. Believe me, I get just as annoyed as anyone. Moan about them later though. Cause while you're in the car, you're in a weapon. And you may have a stupid thought, that at the time was really a good idea, but I don't think ramming someone off the road or racing up beside them to give them the finger and swear at them (my dad on one occassion) or follow them all the way home is such a good idea.

There should be a thing to get all stupid and incapable drivers off the road. Incapable I mean: Drive really slow in a forty zone (doing about 20), drifting from side to side in your lane, can't keep a good cars length from someone and has to ride in the boot of the car of the person in front of them (bumper riders), people who use their phone to talk with when they have a bluetooth headset in their ear and all idiots in general. They should make it that people with a certain IQ can go for their test.

Now I know I can't really talk, as I don't have a driving license and only have a learners. But... I have been driving since I was eleven and have been for lessons for like three years. The only reason I don't have my license is because of the money, answering one question wrong on the written test and I can't be arsed to do it right now as I can't afford to keep a car on the road.

Stupid drivers and road rage drivers need help!

They're starting them off young these days.


Monday 23 April 2007


When I was younger, I can remember telling little white lies to new kids I would meet so they would like me and would want to hang around with me. I can remember once when I was I think six, telling everyone at school that my nan had died the night before... I still don't know why to this day that I said it. The problem was, two of the teachers knew my nan and my family and couldn't understand why my parents had sent me into school and how come they hadn't been told. I come clean at the end of the it. They never told my parents as far as I know. I guess while everyone thought that my nan had died, I enjoyed the attention I was getting. Everyone was asking how I was and was giving me things and letting me get away with things for the morning.

I know and knew then that lying was wrong, and hate myself for lying about it. Which is probably why I don't like liarers now. There's no reason for lying, unless it's for a surprise or you've really got to lie. Such as, if you don't someone's gonna get killed or you're being paid to lie.

I've now turned my skill for lying to poker and am a very good bluffer. Hopefully my skill for lying will become useful for winning millions!


Wednesday 18 April 2007

Response 5: David Evans (The Gospel According to Alfredo Garcia)

David wrote:
Your parents, teachers, and even the government have all been lying to you. Contrary to what they may have told you, smoking is big, and it is clever. In fact it's COOL AS FUCK. Let's just examine the evidence. Humphrey Bogart - chainsmoking, immortal icon of cool. Tom Cruise - non-smoking, health concious, scientologist dork. Sticking with the movie theme, I'm old enough to remember when you could smoke in the cinema. Words cannot describe the magic of dragging on a fag whilst watching a great film, with the smoke curling up into the beam from the projector. And what about cool smoking accessories? Nothing beats the clunk/ping (cling?punk?) of a shiny Zippo lighter in action. Check 'em out at http://www.zippo.com. I haven't had a cigarette for five years, (I was a 40 a day guy), but I still refuse to class myself as a non-smoker. Sure, it kills you, and those around you. Small price to pay for something so wonderful.

My Response:
You are one mad person... But we gotta love you!Smoking isn't as cool as it used to be. It's just a fad that hasn't gone yet. But it is wrong to try and make people stop doing something that they enjoy and wanna do. Let them kill themselves, it's there right. The government needs a ban on it more than anything. Ban voting and up there arses politicians.

Response 4: Megan Hellowell (Just don't expect it to be good...)

Meg wrote:
The EEEEEEVILS of alcohol.
No, it's ok, I don't think it's evil either. But I had to find something to blog about!So, anyway... Does anyone out there think booze is bad? Cos I know quite a few people who really don't... And I REALLY don't...I know there are obviously lots of people out there who don't drink, and that's their choice, that's fine by me, but has anyone else been accosted by someone trying to get them to stop? I remember my friend Kate and I were in a pub once, and this random woman came up to us and started telling us how evil alcohol was... I don't think either of us knew what to do, we just kind of sat there nodding until she went away. Whether she was once an alcoholic who had given it up, and therefore didn't want to see other people ruining their lives, or whether she was some sort of crazy cat lady I guess we'll never know. If it's any comfort to anyone, we carried on drinking till we'd forgotten all about her. Don't worry, we are NOT traumatised.I don't think drink is too bad in moderation (or in copious amounts, really), it's people who wake up and have a breakfast Vodka that I could never understand. But by the same token, these people have a problem, so who am I to judge at the end of the day. If the only way these people can cope is by being constanly intoxicated, then they should probably get help of some sort. I'm pleased to say that I'm not an alcoholic (yet... ), I drink for recreation... Which I shouldn't, according to CCL (Crazy Cat Lady) but at least it's only in moderation. Most nights.But, of course, joking aside, there are problems with alcohol. The obvious ones being:
Liver damage
Other organ damage
Drink drivers
Rape, street fights etc
Drinks being spiked.
Most things can be avoided, of course, by drinking less than an entire... er... paddling pool... of alcohol, and the inevitable "DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!" message plastered on every single motorway board from here to Zimbabwe, but they can't be eliminated completely. Drinks being spiked is of course what every girl fears on a night out, but drinking from bottles whilst keeping your thumb over the top (Whilst you're not drinking, obviously, otherwise you'd get very thirsty) is always sensible. But I'm not here to give you advice, I'm here to moan that drink is EVIL! (Pfft, Hypocrite...)
I... I can't do it... I can't say booze is awful.. Not when I love it so...
Over and out.

My Response:
ALCOHOL RULES!!!Seriously though, people who drink alcohol mostly do it when they go out, to losen up and have good time. But those who drink 24/7, ruin there livers, get kicked out of their homes, end up on the streets and ask for change all the time need to sort themselves out. That's taking drinking to whole other level. And they're stupid.

Response 3: Lucy Henderson (Henderson's Thoughts)

Lucy wrote:
Week 1. Introduction to subject.
The subject of 'being bad' is very intriquing, as what a person thinks as being bad varies a lot from person to person. For example, what a different generation sees as 'being bad' varies as times have changed. I can site an example of this. When I had my first tattoo and I was not underage at twenty four, my mother finally caught me out, by catching me in the bath one day. She described what I thought of as perfectly acceptable 'artwork', as 'defiling my body'. These days, a lot more is seen as acceptable than it used to be. I am just relieved that women have more freedom these days, to do what they choose, as I for one, would have certainly been seen as being bad, for all sorts of reasons, if I had been born in the 1950s, rather than the 1960s.For the night out, I would like to suggest a 'lap dancing club'. The reason being that I have never been to one and I would like to see what happens in one and also what the attraction is, for men.

My Response:
think this too. Different generations see different things as being bad. Such as, it is wrong to have sex before marriage, but today's generation doesn't think it's wrong. And I would like to go to lap dancing place too! It would be interesting to see what attracts men. Also, why don't women have a place like it too... or do they? If so, where?

Response 2: Andrew Heaton (Like a Couch Diving For Pound Coins... Only to Suffocate in Vain)

Andrew wrote:
27 February 2007

A Bag Full Of Herpes
Continuing with the theme of "Watching Shit And Then Answering Questions On Them".This time around we were treated to a segment of "Breakfast At Tiffany's". In particular the scene in which the woman (I forget her name) thanks her date for a nice evening and for paying and shit. While the honourable man seems disappointed at the prospect of 'not getting any' despite paying for his date all night. Oh, and all her wench-like friends.The question put to us was:Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then not supply it?The idea behind prostitution is that one pays for sex. Rough sex. Possibly violent sex. But anyway...In this incident it isn't pro-ing (a word I just invented) so it doesn't really come into it. The woman has clearly seen the whole scenario as nothing more than a date with a kind gentlemen who has offered to pick up the tab for the whole night. If he misconstrued the whole thing then that's his own fault.it is not uncommon these days for men to go on dates in the hope of getting some 'poon' at the end of it. Nor is it unusual to witness desperately drunk single blokes buying drinks for ladies all evening and then taking them back to their place for some much deserved screwing.So no, it aint prostitution because sex does not seem to have been implied at all nor has it taken place. If that were the case, then there would a lot more hookers in our society than originally anticiapted.If it isn't prostitution then is it more or less socially respectable?Again, it seems to depend on the situation. Had the woman known the man was after sex and then had still taken his money despite the fact that she knew she wasn't going to give him any at the end, the yes this is somewhat a faux pas. Essentially you have conned someone out of their money so you could have a good night out. You freeloading bitch, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your anus!However, if the opposite were true then no, this is simply a case of misreading the scenario. Obviously this means either the man or the woman cannot communicate in an adult and upfront fashion and thus are doomed to remain single.Either way you're fucked!If it prostitution, how much is a reasonable charge?Meet me at the cooling tower at midnight. We'll discuss a price list...

My Response:
Prostitution is so old now, it's unbelievable that it still happens today. With all the government schemes in place to help people and give them money. This is one thing, that shows that it doesn't work. I understand that some women that do it, enjoy it and good on them as long as they have decent men who are clients and don't have someone taking the money off them. But for those immigrants that you hear about. The ones that believe that they are coming here to start a new life, well yeah, they start a new life but not as they thought they would.

Even the prostitutes that get caught on street corners, are just held for a few hours or over night and release the next day. There's nothing the government/police can really do to stop people doing it. If someone puts an advert in the paper, '£10 an hour for sex', the police can't stop people from going to the woman's/man's house, and then stop two consenting people from having sex.

Response 1: Viran Kaur (BeingBadViran)

Viran wrote:
All I can say is – it is not okay to cheat on someone. If you are in a relationship you should be 100% committed no matter what. I mean everyone finds people attractive even if they are in a relationship, but you shouldn’t act upon it! You obviously think the person you are with is pretty great to be going out with them in the first place, so that is what you must remember if you are tempted. I don’t know if I’m just being terribly old fashioned (I am all of 19 years old) but that is just the way it should be.If you’re in an open relationship then that’s a different story because that means you are both agreeing to it. I can’t think what kind of original relationship you must have if you need to go to others to be satisfied but there you go.I define cheating as doing it behind your partners back (not literally of course - that’s just crossing a line) and that involves lying, selfishness and scheming. How can you look your partner in the eye when you’ve been with another behind their back? I couldn’t do it. I’m awfully honest though. It’s just such a horrible thing to do if you do cheat. I mean if you’re unhappy then leave that person and pursue the next – don’t have that ‘cake’ and eat it! A relationship is a two way street – a compromise - and if you’re a person that only thinks of themselves then you shouldn’t be in one.

My Response:
I AGREE WITH YOU!! BURN ALL THOSE CHEATING BUGGERS!! (musn't swear in public, it's bad....!) If you're going to cheat on someone, then don't bother being in a relationship with that person and just have one night stands. Least then you can do what you want, even though I don't agree with one night stands either. But least then, you're not ruining you're relationship or hurting you partner.


I play poker online and sometimes down at the casino at Walsall, when I have enough money. I don't have a problem with Gambling. I just love playing the game and enjoy it, whether I come last or finish first. My fiance's dad also plays poker and has been very successful in the past, wining the WSOP (World Series of Poker) in 1996. But he has been playing since he was in his teens and is now 57, so he has bags of experience behind him.

I think you have some people who just can't accept that they've lost and believe that they'll win the next one, so they keep putting more money in till they've either got nothing left or they win. I've been at the casino before today and watched one man put a hundred pounds down on a roulette table and lose it all in one spin, and then go and get another hundred out and put that on the table again to lose it.

People who do this, think that they're lucky, and this is a long on going arguement, but I don't think there's any kind of luck in gambling. It's a game of chance really and with poker, it depends on how well you play the game. Someone who smiles every time they have a good set of cards, will never win any money as they're telling everyone around the table what they've got and everyone will fold. You have to be able to project what you want your opponents to think what you got, e.g. you have 4 5 but your playing like you have AA.

Monday 26 March 2007

Tattoos and Body Piercing

I don't have a problem with Tattoos or Body Piercings. I myself want a tattoo when I'm twenty-one which is in July. Though, the only problem I have with myself getting a tattoo is what to get and what will it look like when I'm older. I might just get a celtic band around my arm or a tiger on my shoulder. My mom has a problem with it, she doesn't like them. Neither does my dad. But my mom wants her nose pierced. I did once fancy having my eyebrow done, but I grew out of wanting that.

Some tattoos can be really good, but I think some people just go excessive. Specially those who are covered head to toe in tattoos. They get a bit disgusting. What's even more sick, is the rude piercing's you can get. Nipple piercings, clit piercing, penis piercings. They're just going too far.

Tattoo page: http://tattoos.com/

Thursday 22 March 2007

Descency? Is that how you spell it?

I don't understand how people can't think of others. Take my neighbour in Acommodation. Last night, they were playing loud music. Now, in accommodation, if you're going to have a party, you have to get a piece of paper and get people on your floor (the other eleven people around you) to sign it to say it's okay and we don't mind. My neighbour didn't do this. But I gathered it was a birthday with them singing happy birthday, so I let it pass. This morning though, I was woken up by them shouting and yelling at each other, laughing and joking and pissed out of their heads. This I am not happy about. It was seven o'clock and normally on a Thursday, I have a lie in as I don't have a lesson till six this afternoon. But they've just ruined it for me now. And then, when I went to the toilet this morning, they were all standing around after showering someone in booze. The toilet's now stink of booze. It's all over the floor, the walls, the toilets, the shower, the bath, the toilet rolls. Just everywhere. People don't think about others. They're not the only ones who have to live here. And plus, I know the cleaner is paid to clean up after us, but they've just made her job ten times worse. I feel sorry for her.

Why don't people think of others? I do. I never have my music on loud when it gets past nine o'clock. I know how thin the walls are, so it wouldn't be fair to keep someone else up when I'm up late listening to music. It doesn't hurt for people to have a little decency.


Monday 19 March 2007


Religion for me, is a subject I hate to talk about. My mother is Roman Catholic and my dad is Church of England. Religion isn't a big thing in my house, apart from the times when my mom get's all religious. I, myself, am Roman Catholic. I went to a Catholic Primary School, which was crap. If you weren't one of the kids that went to church every Sunday, and was seen by the teachers to be there or the Priest didn't see you there, then you were more or less ignored in class. The kids that went to church every sunday, were the children that got the most attention in class. After Primary School, it was expected of the teachers that you went on to a Catholic Secondary School, which I didn't. My parents chose for me to go to a school nearer to home. I think because I didn't get the attention I needed at school, is the reason I'm not a good speller and not very good at other stuff.

I think religion is just another way to separate us like colour. We should get rid of religion. Religion has been one of the main causes of war over the years. I know religion gives some people hope and helps them get through their day, but there are alot more better things than religion to get you through your day. Religion is just stupid. I hate religion.

Main Catholic page for England and Wales - http://www.catholic-ew.org.uk/

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Drinking and Random Thoughts

What can you really say about drinking? Everyone drinks, to an extent. I mean, yes, alcohol is bad for you children, listen to aunty Kathryn. But, and that's a big but, if you drink enough of anything (water, pop, coffee, etc) you can get drunk off that. My mom told me so, and she's a science biology buff, so if she says it true, I believe her.

I think everyone starts drinking not because of they reach that age that they can, or if they drink before that age, it ain't really for the kick of getting drunk. Drinking is seen as an adult thing to do, it means you're grown up. A lot of kids think because they can swear, look tough and are at high school that they're all grown up and should be allowed to drink and smoke. It's all part and parcel of wanting to be classed as an adult. But what these kids don't know, if you behave grown up and such, you get treated like you're grown up.

Why do kids hang round shops? It ain't tough. I nearly flatten one kid the other day. He was showing off to his mates cause he was stopping me from getting into the shop. So I just said to him, 'What's Pi equal?'. He did the usual stupid look, looked confused for a moment and then scratched his head. His mates laughed at his stupidness and he walked away. That's the way to deal with idiots. Prove their idiots. Ask them something intelligent. He should be glad he walked away, cause I was planning on smacking his head into the window of the shop. I'm a naughty violent person, when pushed.

Monday 12 March 2007

Bandits and Outlaws

The bandits and outlaws lecture was alright, a bit boring and annoying cause people kept talking on the back row, but it was okay. I'd heard all that stuff on Jessie James before. I watched a documentary about it with my fiances dad. But it was still interesting. I don't think I'll be doing bandits and outlaws for my essay or short story.

I think outlaws become so popular because people wish they could have the guts to do that sort of thing. Go against society and do what they wanna do. But I guess people would rather hear about it, then be that themselves. Specially as most of the time, the bandits and outlaws end up being killed or executed. Don't think I would like to be hung... Not nice.

Wednesday 7 March 2007

Deciding on a Essay Topic and Creative Writing Idea

Looking over the options, I've chosen to do Masturbation question 3 as my Essay. It just seemed more easier and I think I could answer that one the best. And plus, I could think of loads to put for it. I think... Thinking hurts. I've chosen to do Infidelity for my creative writing story and line 2. Naughty! hehehe.
I found the ideal page for masturbators... Is that a word or did I make that up? http://www.jackinworld.com/
Who like's my picture? I think they should use it in the module guide for the laugh next year.

Monday 5 March 2007


I don't like infidelity at all. When I was younger, I don't even remember it really, my mother cheated on my dad and they split up for a while, leaving me and my two brothers with my dad. My mom went off with this other man, who knew my dad. After a while she came back to him and they got back together. But it hurts me, even to this day to think about it, because I can't imagine my mom doing that or why she would want to hurt my dad that way. Also I have had friend that have been cheated on, and I knew their boyfriend really well and his explanation for it, was that he wanted this girl he slept with because she turned him on. What a lame excuse?

People should be shot that do it.
How to survive infidelity - http://www.lhj.com/home/Infidelity.html

Monday 26 February 2007

Week Four: Masturbation

I don't have a problem myself with masturbation, but I couldn't talk to my friends or family about it. It's a private thing for me. I talk to my boyfriend about it, but then he's in that part of my life and we do stuff together like that, all the time.

I think it's time society moved with the times. We should start to talk about things more in the open, encourage young people that what they're doing isn't wrong and that they can do it if they want to. Thinking about how society responds to the subject of masturbation, makes me think of the 60's family and the mom and dad's in separate beds, and only doing it on a Wednesday. Why is it so bad? If it's something we're supposed to do, and do it from a young age from instinct, doesn't that mean then that we're suppposed to masturbate?

But then it does ask the question, why can't we talk about it without laughing?

Thursday 22 February 2007

Week 3 Lecture

Family Guy: Stealing from Shops: I think stealing from shops is just as bad as stealing from someone's home. Yeah, okay, they get the insurance back on it. But some people who have home insurance, would also get the insurance back on the stolen item. The thing that gets to be the most, is people stealing something from a shop just for the hell of it. They might not need the item at all, so it was just really a waste of time. Stealing from a shop you're also stealing from their profits, the item isn't just some thing (e.g. deep fat fryer), it's money. Money that some of these stealers don't have or do have. One thing I don't mind, is people who haven't got any money stealing food, such as homeless people. The jobcentre screw them over. You can't sign on without an address and you can't get a bedsit, house or flat without money. If the jobcentre did a scheme where if you're homeless they'll help you find somewhere to live, even if it's just a council house or even a Bed and Breakfast, it's at least a roof over there head and then they can get their money.

I think people with money that steal, do it for the kicks or because they think they're entitled to the object that they're stealing. It's just sad that we have people in this society like that. Too lazy to actually get they're purse/wallet out and pay for an item. It won't hurt them.

Breakfast at Triffany's: Prostitution: I don't think it's prostitution when you take money, not knowing that the other person believes that they will get sex in return. But, if you have already agreed that the money is for sex, then I would class that as prostitution. Even though, that it has been stated that the money is for sex, the woman/man always have their option to say no, if they want to. But they should give the money back if this is so, as they're ripping someone off.

I don't know how you could class taking money for sex, isn't prostitution? To me, that is prostitution. There's nothing else it could be. And it's socially less respectable these days. Maybe it was accepted years ago, but these days, it's like why? The only use there is for prostitutes is for men/women who can't get in a relationship, because they're weird or something. (Maybe someone should start up a weird dating agency?)

A reasonable charge for prostitution? I would say five hundred, if it was me that was a prostitute. But I have a friend, who at one stage in her life, was a prostitute and I know she used to earn fifty quid a bloke. Though, I think it also depended on what they wanted her to do. Twenty five for a blowjob, fifty for sex, seventy-five in the ass and a hundred for kinky stuff.

Monday 19 February 2007


My dad has been smoking since... I don't know, probably his teens. My mom used to smoke but now smokes the odd one when it suits her, mostly when she's had a bit to drink. My Gran also smokes. I think my Gran could hold a record for how many cigarettes she smokes in one week. I think she had about 300 hundred in one week, which is just bad but she hasn't got much else. My Grandpa, before he died, used to smoke a pipe. I can understand why my people in my smoke. When they were younger, it was seen as the thing to do in those days. But for me, the society's do's and don't's have changed dramatically. It's now the thing, if you smoke then you're just stupid.
I tried smoking when I was younger and did it, I guess since I was about twelve till I was about eighteen. My fiance is an ex-smoker himself, but didn't smoke as long as I did. I stopped smoking mostly for him, so he didn't feel like he had to smoke or would be tempted. These days, I only really smoke when I'm really stressed out or I've had a few to drink. My parents never used to know that I smoked and as far as I know my mother still doesn't know that I did. My dad thought I might had been and didn't really know until 2006 Christmas, when I was in our local pub seeing some old friends, had a few to drink and had a cigarette, and he happened to be there.
I don't mind people who smoke and can't really see why they should be banned from smoking outside. The way it is going, smokers won't be able to even smoke in there back gardens or homes. I think the nation is just one big hypochondria. People ought to live, instead of worrying about smoke.

Thursday 15 February 2007

Week 1: Introduction

I enjoyed this session and the ideas it brought up. I especially liked the lies/secrets told during the session as they funny. But also, it showed that even though society and alot of people don't like liars, we all lie from time to time. Even it's only little white lies or big massive lies

I want a day trip to the SU with the Uni paying!
