Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Road Rage

I think road rage is really bad. My fiance is terrible and so can my dad at times. If someone cuts him up, comes too close to his car, takes the wrong lane and scoots across in front of him, or they toot him... God help everyone. He either toots the horn as loud as he can or he moans and shouts about it till we get home. No matter how many times I try to explain to him that he has to watch himself, cause you can get done for road rage, he won't have it. I think road rage is bad, cause it can cause more trouble and accidents than anything on the road.

Yeah, I understand people get annoyed if someone cuts them up or are being stupid drivers. Believe me, I get just as annoyed as anyone. Moan about them later though. Cause while you're in the car, you're in a weapon. And you may have a stupid thought, that at the time was really a good idea, but I don't think ramming someone off the road or racing up beside them to give them the finger and swear at them (my dad on one occassion) or follow them all the way home is such a good idea.

There should be a thing to get all stupid and incapable drivers off the road. Incapable I mean: Drive really slow in a forty zone (doing about 20), drifting from side to side in your lane, can't keep a good cars length from someone and has to ride in the boot of the car of the person in front of them (bumper riders), people who use their phone to talk with when they have a bluetooth headset in their ear and all idiots in general. They should make it that people with a certain IQ can go for their test.

Now I know I can't really talk, as I don't have a driving license and only have a learners. But... I have been driving since I was eleven and have been for lessons for like three years. The only reason I don't have my license is because of the money, answering one question wrong on the written test and I can't be arsed to do it right now as I can't afford to keep a car on the road.

Stupid drivers and road rage drivers need help!

They're starting them off young these days.


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