What can you really say about drinking? Everyone drinks, to an extent. I mean, yes, alcohol is bad for you children, listen to aunty Kathryn. But, and that's a big but, if you drink enough of anything (water, pop, coffee, etc) you can get drunk off that. My mom told me so, and she's a science biology buff, so if she says it true, I believe her.
I think everyone starts drinking not because of they reach that age that they can, or if they drink before that age, it ain't really for the kick of getting drunk. Drinking is seen as an adult thing to do, it means you're grown up. A lot of kids think because they can swear, look tough and are at high school that they're all grown up and should be allowed to drink and smoke. It's all part and parcel of wanting to be classed as an adult. But what these kids don't know, if you behave grown up and such, you get treated like you're grown up.
Why do kids hang round shops? It ain't tough. I nearly flatten one kid the other day. He was showing off to his mates cause he was stopping me from getting into the shop. So I just said to him, 'What's Pi equal?'. He did the usual stupid look, looked confused for a moment and then scratched his head. His mates laughed at his stupidness and he walked away. That's the way to deal with idiots. Prove their idiots. Ask them something intelligent. He should be glad he walked away, cause I was planning on smacking his head into the window of the shop. I'm a naughty violent person, when pushed.