Monday, 26 March 2007

Tattoos and Body Piercing

I don't have a problem with Tattoos or Body Piercings. I myself want a tattoo when I'm twenty-one which is in July. Though, the only problem I have with myself getting a tattoo is what to get and what will it look like when I'm older. I might just get a celtic band around my arm or a tiger on my shoulder. My mom has a problem with it, she doesn't like them. Neither does my dad. But my mom wants her nose pierced. I did once fancy having my eyebrow done, but I grew out of wanting that.

Some tattoos can be really good, but I think some people just go excessive. Specially those who are covered head to toe in tattoos. They get a bit disgusting. What's even more sick, is the rude piercing's you can get. Nipple piercings, clit piercing, penis piercings. They're just going too far.

Tattoo page:

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Descency? Is that how you spell it?

I don't understand how people can't think of others. Take my neighbour in Acommodation. Last night, they were playing loud music. Now, in accommodation, if you're going to have a party, you have to get a piece of paper and get people on your floor (the other eleven people around you) to sign it to say it's okay and we don't mind. My neighbour didn't do this. But I gathered it was a birthday with them singing happy birthday, so I let it pass. This morning though, I was woken up by them shouting and yelling at each other, laughing and joking and pissed out of their heads. This I am not happy about. It was seven o'clock and normally on a Thursday, I have a lie in as I don't have a lesson till six this afternoon. But they've just ruined it for me now. And then, when I went to the toilet this morning, they were all standing around after showering someone in booze. The toilet's now stink of booze. It's all over the floor, the walls, the toilets, the shower, the bath, the toilet rolls. Just everywhere. People don't think about others. They're not the only ones who have to live here. And plus, I know the cleaner is paid to clean up after us, but they've just made her job ten times worse. I feel sorry for her.

Why don't people think of others? I do. I never have my music on loud when it gets past nine o'clock. I know how thin the walls are, so it wouldn't be fair to keep someone else up when I'm up late listening to music. It doesn't hurt for people to have a little decency.

Monday, 19 March 2007


Religion for me, is a subject I hate to talk about. My mother is Roman Catholic and my dad is Church of England. Religion isn't a big thing in my house, apart from the times when my mom get's all religious. I, myself, am Roman Catholic. I went to a Catholic Primary School, which was crap. If you weren't one of the kids that went to church every Sunday, and was seen by the teachers to be there or the Priest didn't see you there, then you were more or less ignored in class. The kids that went to church every sunday, were the children that got the most attention in class. After Primary School, it was expected of the teachers that you went on to a Catholic Secondary School, which I didn't. My parents chose for me to go to a school nearer to home. I think because I didn't get the attention I needed at school, is the reason I'm not a good speller and not very good at other stuff.

I think religion is just another way to separate us like colour. We should get rid of religion. Religion has been one of the main causes of war over the years. I know religion gives some people hope and helps them get through their day, but there are alot more better things than religion to get you through your day. Religion is just stupid. I hate religion.

Main Catholic page for England and Wales -

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Drinking and Random Thoughts

What can you really say about drinking? Everyone drinks, to an extent. I mean, yes, alcohol is bad for you children, listen to aunty Kathryn. But, and that's a big but, if you drink enough of anything (water, pop, coffee, etc) you can get drunk off that. My mom told me so, and she's a science biology buff, so if she says it true, I believe her.

I think everyone starts drinking not because of they reach that age that they can, or if they drink before that age, it ain't really for the kick of getting drunk. Drinking is seen as an adult thing to do, it means you're grown up. A lot of kids think because they can swear, look tough and are at high school that they're all grown up and should be allowed to drink and smoke. It's all part and parcel of wanting to be classed as an adult. But what these kids don't know, if you behave grown up and such, you get treated like you're grown up.

Why do kids hang round shops? It ain't tough. I nearly flatten one kid the other day. He was showing off to his mates cause he was stopping me from getting into the shop. So I just said to him, 'What's Pi equal?'. He did the usual stupid look, looked confused for a moment and then scratched his head. His mates laughed at his stupidness and he walked away. That's the way to deal with idiots. Prove their idiots. Ask them something intelligent. He should be glad he walked away, cause I was planning on smacking his head into the window of the shop. I'm a naughty violent person, when pushed.

Monday, 12 March 2007

Bandits and Outlaws

The bandits and outlaws lecture was alright, a bit boring and annoying cause people kept talking on the back row, but it was okay. I'd heard all that stuff on Jessie James before. I watched a documentary about it with my fiances dad. But it was still interesting. I don't think I'll be doing bandits and outlaws for my essay or short story.

I think outlaws become so popular because people wish they could have the guts to do that sort of thing. Go against society and do what they wanna do. But I guess people would rather hear about it, then be that themselves. Specially as most of the time, the bandits and outlaws end up being killed or executed. Don't think I would like to be hung... Not nice.

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Deciding on a Essay Topic and Creative Writing Idea

Looking over the options, I've chosen to do Masturbation question 3 as my Essay. It just seemed more easier and I think I could answer that one the best. And plus, I could think of loads to put for it. I think... Thinking hurts. I've chosen to do Infidelity for my creative writing story and line 2. Naughty! hehehe.
I found the ideal page for masturbators... Is that a word or did I make that up?
Who like's my picture? I think they should use it in the module guide for the laugh next year.

Monday, 5 March 2007


I don't like infidelity at all. When I was younger, I don't even remember it really, my mother cheated on my dad and they split up for a while, leaving me and my two brothers with my dad. My mom went off with this other man, who knew my dad. After a while she came back to him and they got back together. But it hurts me, even to this day to think about it, because I can't imagine my mom doing that or why she would want to hurt my dad that way. Also I have had friend that have been cheated on, and I knew their boyfriend really well and his explanation for it, was that he wanted this girl he slept with because she turned him on. What a lame excuse?

People should be shot that do it.
How to survive infidelity -